Minutes of the Committee Meeting of the

Albrighton & District Civic Society

held on Monday 1st November 2021 at 2pm

at 32 High Street (PW’s house)

Present :        

Peter Woodman – Chairman

Mike Pitchford - Treasurer

Peter Illes

Gaynor Richards

Patrick Richards

Phyl Woodman  

David Beechey (ex-officio member representing Donington-with-Boscobel PC)

David Slatcher (ex-officio member representing Boningale PC).


1. Apologies received from Rod Smith, Ron Kidson and Roger Rudman


2. Minutes of Meeting of 4th October 2021 were approved


3. Treasurer’s Report. MP reported bank balance £1743-47. AGM income: renewals, new members & donations totalled £56. Red House event renewals/new members £22. Room Hire paid £48


4. To consider progress in regard to following main issues


a) Application for the Society to be a Consultee for planning applications in all four villages. PW reported that he was still endeavouring to achieve this but was finding it difficult to obtain a response from SC. In the meantime DB said he would continue to forward planning applications received by APC


b) Tree root damage outside the Estate Agents. SC had confirmed again to PW that the matter was being pursued. PW also reported that he had spoken to Bob Watson, the APC Tree Warden and APC Councillor, who confirmed that he had heard nothing from SC. PW also reported that Phil Wigley had complained about the barriers around the tree roots causing a nuisance as people were constantly moving them which caused further obstruction of the pavement. PW said he had passed this complaint on to SC


c) State of village roads. - especially pot holes in High St, the depression in Station Rd and the very bad surface in Cross Road. Still awaiting response from SC request for site meeting with SC

PW reported that nothing had been arranged yet but he would pursue.


d) The Crown Pub –the poor colour match of bricks and mortar. PW said he would speak again to the Marstons Property Department to see if they would be taking action to remedy this poor colour match as advised by RS


5. Matters arising

a)  Review of AGM and Public Meeting held on 11th October 2021. All agreed that it had gone well. The attendance was reasonable (approx 70) in view of it being held soon after coming out of the lockdowns and the speakers had all been good.

PW reported that he had asked the CEO of the Midlands Air Ambulance about the limited hours restriction on helicopter flying . (This was reported by the speaker at the AGM as being 7am – 7pm only) She had explained that it was hoped that these could be extended when resources permitted and all requisite consents obtained.


b) Request for help by a resident  of the Millfields Estate regarding speeding on the bend in Kingswood Road.

It was agreed that this speeding and that in the High Street was dangerous and was of concern to all users and not just the residents of the Millfields Estate

After discussion it was agreed that ADCS would support the formation of an Action Group consisting mainly of local residents who would lobby the SC Highways Department to install appropriate road safety measures so as to enforce the observance of the speed limits by motorists. It was noted that RS’s experience with the Cross Road Traffic Group would prove very useful in assisting such an Action Group for Kingswood Road and the High Street.

DS said he would forward details of the Burnhill Green Road Safety Group who had acquired speed cameras which were operated by local volunteers with the objective of enforcing speed limits in cooperation with the police.


c) Shropshire Councillor. PW reported that he and RS had received considerable help and support from Nigel Lumby, the new Shropshire Councillor representing Albrighton, regarding the station ramp. It was agreed that ADCs should encourage close cooperation with NL as so many issues pursued by ADCS involved SC.


d Nature Reserve Fencing

PW reported that a request from a local resident who was concerned about proposals to erect fencing around gardens of properties which bordered on the Nature Reserve pool and watercourses. PW and MP had reviewed the correspondence sent by the local resident and MP had spoken to Paul Fallon a Nature Reserve Committee member. It was clear that the fencing would only be erected on properties which had encroached on Nature Reserve land and the proposals were fair and reasonable. They did not affect the land of the local resident who had contacted PW as no encroachment had occurred on his property. It was agreed therefore that ADCS should not get involved in this issue and PW would inform the local resident accordingly.


6. AOB.   


a) MP asked Committee members to consider whether ADCS should find another project to pursue which would have appropriate environmental benefits for the ADCS community. It was agreed that this was a good idea and hence members were asked to suggest ideas for such a project and these suggestions could be considered at the December Committee Meeting



Next  meeting:  2pm. Mon 6th December  2021 at 31/32 High St



Following Meeting will be at 2pm on Monday 10th January December 2022.

Please note this is the second Monday in the Month. (First Monday is the New Year Public Holiday)




Note for your 2022 Diary

Public Meeting & AGM is at 7.00pm

on Monday 10th October 2022 at the Red House        

All future AGMs are on the second Monday of October